Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pastor Matt and the Futility of the Temporal

From: Sunday January 24th, 2010. Taken from our series at Discovery Church called "Jesus' Commencement Address" going through John 14-17. Pastor Matt spends time on the futility of earthly successes. However, to a Christian true success is knowing God and the way to that success is Jesus Christ (John 4:14-4-14).

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pastor Matt talks about Jesus' Commencement Address

On Sunday January 17th, 2010 we started a new message series at Discovery Church called "Jesus' Commencement Address" going through John 14-17. Pastor Matt takes some time to explain that this section of scripture is similar to a commencement address. Just as graduates are often uncertain about their life ahead, so the disciples and all future Christians face uncertainty. In John 14-17, Jesus is giving wisdom, inspiration and encouragement for the Church then and through eternity.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pastor Matt Plugs DC Mission and the Alpha Course

We are really excited about 2010 at Discovery Church. Over this year we have several goals and one of them is to create vibrant, small group communities (called ENGAGE groups) that help transform our lives by CONNECTING to Jesus and IMPACTING the world. Many of us have been hearing about the Alpha Course ( we are beginning this Winter on January 25th. We see this as being the catalyst for more ENGAGE groups throughout this year and next. Take a few minutes to watch Pastor Matt explain how the Alpha Course fits into the mission of Discovery Church.